In this dice workshop, DnD characters will come along to buy die. It's your job to make sure that they get these die in time before they get angry. You do that by making these for them. Make sure you get the right ones, since they are inpatient.


Switch Area: Use left arrow and right arrow or use Q and E

Catch: Use the left and right mouse button to move the hand

Cut and Paint: Hold the left mouse button to cut or paint

Different cut dice: Use the numbers 1-6 on your keyboard to switch the dice you want to cut.

Sell: Push the button to sell the dice if you have enough of them


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(1 edit)

How do you play? All I see is 3 decreasing health bars, a blue void, and some sell buttons? It doesn't look like the thumbnail on discord.

There's an explanation and controls in the menu!